Sanatorium “Neman-72”

pin230031, Belarus, Grodno, Sanatornaya st, 23

“Castle Hill”

“Castle Hill” and its attractions. Visiting Grodno State History and Archeology Museum, the exhibition which is deployed in three buildings: the royal palaces of XVI-XVIII centuries and “basnyatsky” house of the eighteenth century in Gorodnitsa. The main part of the exhibition is located in the old castle, which was built for King Stephen Bathory, and rebuilt in the royal residence. 

New Castle was built during the reign of King Augustus III. This is where the meetings of General Seym  of Rech Pospolita were held. It is in this castle hosted the legendary “Dumb” Seym and the abdication of the last king of Poland – Stanislaw II Augustus Poniatowski. 

At the same time there was another branch – Gorodnitsa History Museum, which is located in a building built in the 2nd half of the eighteenth century, for foreign masters Grodno manufactures during the reign of Anthony Tizengauzen. On his initiative, it was based Grodno Royal Manufactory, established theater, chapel, medical schools, schools of drawing, painting and construction, Cadet Corps, founded Botanical Garden.