Spa-wraps – body and soul relax
The majority of people cannot imagine their life without SPA, and others just beginning to discover the pleasures of this area. The range of spa-services is so wide that a newbie is easily to get lost. Where to begin acquaintance with the world of SPA? What do You need? We would like to acquaint you with such type of spa-services as wraps.
Wrapping – one of the most interesting, effective and pleasant thalassotherapy treatments. It is based on the ability of human skin to absorb nutrients (minerals, vitamins) under certain conditions necessary for the body, as well as getting rid the body off toxins, fats, excess moisture. For therapeutic use clay wraps, mud, seaweed, fresh or dried herbs, honey, coffee, aromatic oils, fruit, wine, spices, etc. Wrapping provides both local effects of these substances, such as fighting cellulite, and affect the whole body.
Local “Biola” -wrapping in SPA-capsule is highly effective for complex treatment and prevention of cellulite, it is used as a means of absorption, as well as wrapping and rubbing the problem areas of the skin in the chest and neck. Along with the cosmetic effect “Biola” has a strong anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the joints, skin, and muscle fatigue.
Mud preparation “Biol” is an effective natural remedy for outdoor use, prepared on the basis of therapeutic muds pressed from Sakhi Lake. “Biol” is a transparent, slightly opalescent liquid high mineralization (120-180 g / l). The product contains a balanced mix of minerals, trace elements, organic active substances and bio-stimulants, typical of whole sludge. The preparation “Biol” has a strong biochemical effect on the human body: a stimulating effect on the regenerative processes in tissues and body as a whole, exhibits a noticeable analgesic, anti-inflammatory, resolving and antiseptic properties. A beneficial effect on the processes of energy metabolism and metabolism, has a normalizing effect on the nervous system, muscle tone, increases range of motion in the joints. It activates the peripheral circulation, immune and enzyme system, improves nutrition and tissue trophism; increases vitality.