копия_ Hydropathy and balneotherapy
HYDROMASSAGE BATH Hydromassage tub has a tonic effect, stimulates the excitation processes in the central nervous system, increases the emotional[…]
HYDROMASSAGE BATH Hydromassage tub has a tonic effect, stimulates the excitation processes in the central nervous system, increases the emotional[…]
HYDROMASSAGE BATH Hydromassage tub has a tonic effect, stimulates the excitation processes in the central nervous system, increases the emotional[…]
Herbal teas – sedative, tonic, breast, vitamins, renal, choleretic, stomach, laxative, anti-allergic, antidiabetic fees. Phytobaths – are used for diseases of the[…]
This is one of the types of spa treatment. Based on the ability of carbon dioxide in certain concentrations to stimulate[…]
The use of dry sodium chloride aerosol iodized salt penetration into the bronchial tubes helps to reduce swelling of the[…]
Studying the problems of hydrotherapy resorts, A.S. Zalmanov (doctor, naturopath and gerontologist) has convinced wonderful healing properties of the water[…]
Roller vibro-massage is performed by longitudinal movement of the metal rolls along the spine from the tailbone to the neck.[…]
The procedure of Hydromassage (Underwater shower massage) refers to the additional procedures that are the part of programs to improve the health[…]
Lymphatic drainage (compression therapy) – is the impact on the lymphatic system of the compressed air supplied through the boots. The idea[…]
The main role in the mechanism of action belongs to thermal factors. It has antispasmodic effect, promotes the resorption of[…]