Therapeutic massage and manual massage using cans
Massage neck area Massage the hand and forearm Massage of the lower limbs Massage the chest Massage the spine Massage[…]
Massage neck area Massage the hand and forearm Massage of the lower limbs Massage the chest Massage the spine Massage[…]
The program is designed for the recovery of patients with disorders of the respiratory system. Indications: Chronic obstructive bronchitis. Bronchial[…]
A systematic approach to the treatment of joints: laser Nowadays, the main diseases of the joints remain arthritis and osteoarthritis. Arthritis[…]
The benefits of an oxygen cocktail Every woman wants to shine with health, striking surrounding a beautiful complexion and delight[…]
Indications: chronic gastritis gastroduodenity diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas chronic constipation. Composition of procedures Number of procedures 14[…]
Hemogram analyzer AMP 2007 Screening AMP noninvasive analyzer is designed for complex analysis. It allows no blood sampling within 180-720[…]
Vacuum massage – is a hardware correction technique intended to fight cellulite, excess body fat, to increase skin elasticity. We perform vacuum[…]
The program is designed for patients with reduced immunity, often suffering from respiratory diseases. Indications: frequently suffering of catarrhal disease The[…]
Bischofit is a natural mineral, which lies near the underground reservoirs. It is an ionic complex, which is predominant in a magnesium[…]
It enriches the air with ions essential oils, “revives” and brings it to the air of forests and fields, thus[…]